BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2024 8:00 PM PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY 506 W. 9TH STREET DORCHESTER, NE 68343-0007 Notice of the time and place of the Dorchester Board of Education …


BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2024 8:00 PM PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY 506 W. 9TH STREET DORCHESTER, NE 68343-0007 Notice of the time and place of the Dorchester Board of Education meeting was published in a newspaper of general circulation within the district. Newspapers of general circulation in the district include, but are not necessarily limited to, the Crete News, the Lincoln Journal Star, or the Omaha World-Herald. Notice is also posted in at least three prominent places within the school district which may include the following: Dorchester Public Schools, Farmers Coop, First State Bank, and the Village Office. Individual board members received in advance the meeting agenda and meeting materials. Pursuant to Section 84-1412 of the Nebraska Statutes, the public is hereby informed that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted in the Board meeting boardroom. Matthew Hansen: Present Mike Hatfield: Present Shelly Lehr: Present Carol Schnell: Present Kelli Schweitzer: Present Steve Vyhnalek: Present 1. Call to Order and Announce Open Meetings Act Verification The regular board meeting was called to order by President Steve Vyhnalek at 8:00 pm with all board members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. President Vyhnalek confirmed the advance notice to the public of the meeting and agenda. 2. Roll Call School personnel present were Superintendent Curtis Cogswell, Principal Jake Wiese, and Jen Feeken. 3. Receive Visitors and Announce Open Forum for Public Comment No visitors were present. 4. Request for Change of Agenda No request for a change of agenda. 5. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting(s) Motion to approve the reading of the last meeting minutes passed with a motion by Kelli Schweitzer and a second by Shelly Lehr. Matthew Hansen: Yea, Mike Hatfield: Yea, Shelly Lehr: Yea, Carol Schnell: Yea, Kelli Schweitzer: Yea, Steve Vyhnalek: Yea 6. Financial Report Motion to approve the financial report passed with a motion by Mike Hatfield and a second by Matthew Hansen. Matthew Hansen: Yea, Mike Hatfield: Yea, Shelly Lehr: Yea, Carol Schnell: Yea, Kelli Schweitzer: Yea, Steve Vyhnalek: Yea 7. Reports 7.1. Principal's Report Mr. Wiese reported that there was a Continuous Improvement Day at ESU6, elementary teachers had their end of year Reading Data Retreat, and there was a SIP Steering Committee Meeting. The kitchen has begun its summer meals program and is serving over 100 meals a day. 7.2. Superintendent's Report Mr. Cogswell reported that work has been continuing on the summer facilities projects. The kindergarten and 2nd grade rooms have been painted and new carpet has been installed. The practice gym has been painted and wall mats will be installed. 8. Discussion Items 8.1. Donations Mr. Cogswell presented ideas to offset costs on items like the shot clock and wall mats. The board discussed asking for corporate sponsorships. 8.2. Science Curriculum Mr. Wiese reported that he has been in negotiations about ordering our new science curriculum. 8.3. Policy Update The board went through the first reading of Board of Education Policies #2006-Complaint Procedures, #2008-Meetings, #2009-Public Participation, #3004-Fiscal Management for Purchasing Using Federal Funds, #3017-Official Communication, #3032-Fees, #3053-Nondiscrimination, #3057-Title IX, #3059-Audio and Video Recording, #3060-Firearms, #4011-Employee Leave, #4053-Conflict of Interest, #5001-Compulsory Attendance, #5004-Option Enrollment, #5005-Transportation, #5035-Student Discipline, #6031-Emergency Exclusion, #6036-Reading Instruction, #6039-Repeat of Grade, #6040-Prekindergarten, #6041-Malcolm X Day, #6042-Projection Maps, and #6043-Mapping Data. 8.4. Single Bank Pooled Collateral Method Mr. Cogswell discussed switching from using the pledge method to the single bank collateral program to secure our bank funds. 9. Action Items 9.1. Dual Credit Tuition Motion to pay for dual credit college credits with the understanding that the student will pay for the class if they withdraw or fail the class passed with a motion by Carol Schnell and a second by Mike Hatfield. Matthew Hansen: Yea, Mike Hatfield: Yea, Shelly Lehr: Yea, Carol Schnell: Yea, Kelli Schweitzer: Yea, Steve Vyhnalek: Yea 9.2. Approve School Lunch Prices Motion to keep school lunch prices the same as the last school year passed with a motion by Matthew Hansen and a second by Mike Hatfield. Matthew Hansen: Yea, Mike Hatfield: Yea, Shelly Lehr: Yea, Carol Schnell: Yea, Kelli Schweitzer: Yea, Steve Vyhnalek: Yea 9.3. Approve Participation in the 2024-2025 School Lunch and Breakfast Programs with Jake Wiese as Determining Official and Curt Cogswell as Hearing Officer. Motion to approve participation in the 2024-2025 School Lunch and Breakfast Programs with Jake Wiese as the Determining Official and Curt Cogswell as the Hearing Officer passed with a motion by Kelli Schweitzer and a second by Shelly Lehr. Matthew Hansen: Yea, Mike Hatfield: Yea, Shelly Lehr: Yea, Carol Schnell: Yea, Kelli Schweitzer: Yea, Steve Vyhnalek: Yea 10. Board Committee Report(s) Building Committee Report: There are a couple of heating/cooling units that need to get serviced. The unit in the weight room needs to be replaced. Transportation Committee Report: Bus 24 is at Truck Center in Lincoln getting the air conditioning unit repaired. Once it is done, Bus 17 will be taken in to address some alignment issues. 11. Closed Session (as necessary per statute) Not necessary at this time. 12. Establish Future Board of Education Meeting Date(s) and Time(s) The next scheduled board meeting is Monday, July 8 at 8:00 pm. 13. Adjourn Motion to adjourn at 9:18 pm passed with a motion by Carol Schnell and a second by Matthew Hansen. Matthew Hansen: Yea, Mike Hatfield: Yea, Shelly Lehr: Yea, Carol Schnell: Yea, Kelli Schweitzer: Yea, Steve Vyhnalek: Yea Mike Hatfield, Secretary of the Board of Education CR — June 26, 2024 ZNEZ