VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES AUGUST 12, 2024 The regular meeting of the Village of Dorchester Board of Trustees was held Monday, August 12, 2024, at the Farmers Cooperative Meeting …


VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES AUGUST 12, 2024 The regular meeting of the Village of Dorchester Board of Trustees was held Monday, August 12, 2024, at the Farmers Cooperative Meeting Room, and was called to order at 6:31 p.m. Chairperson Miller advised those present of the Open Meetings Act. Answering Roll Call were board members Matt Shaw, Nancy Tellez, Tammie Lang, Nate Hitchins, and Chairperson Roger Miller. Advance Notice of the meeting was posted at the Dorchester US Post Office; First State Bank, NE; Village of Dorchester office and in The Crete News. Consent Agenda Items #1-#4 approved. Claims: Ameritas Life Ins ins $531; AP Electrical Solutions svs $76,862; Ben's Iron svs $150; BH Energy gas $304.95; BCBS Ins $8,730.65; City of Crete svs $2,074.11; BZ Construction svs $1,250; Cline Williams svs $2,080; Craig Bontrager svs $533.48; Crete Ace Hardware spls $182.90; CAMC svs $300; Crete Lumber & Farm Supply spls $131.96; DVFD Reimb $730.41; Dutton-Lainson Co spls $976.44; Eakes svs $59.37; EFTPS payroll tax $2,805.66; Farmers Coop VFD $60.42; Farmers Coop Vill $573.16; FSB HSA $1,800; Five Points Bank copier pymt $146.52; Gana Trucking and Excavating spls $1,536.42; Hoffschneider Law svs $2,048.64; Johnson Service Co svs $5,891.25; KCL Grp Benefits STD/LTD $143.82; Kelli Hromek svs $268.92; League of NE Municipalities Dues $2,284; League of NE Municipalities Dues $528; Matheson Tri Gas spls $44.73; Menards spls $1,231.56; Mosca Designs shipping $310.18; NE Dept of Revenue Sales & Use Tax $3,770.39; NE Public Health Enviromental Lab svs $30; NEPPD July 38,059.65; Nebraska Power Review Board 2023 assessment $104.54; NPPD elec $151.15; NPPD elec $3,788.60; One Call Concepts locates $10.21; Postmaster spls $511; Power Manager spls $157.01; Pulliam Plumbing svs $246; Rochelle Bruha Annual Rent $2,000; SCAT annual dues $1,518; Saline County Clerk law enforcement $11,720; Staples spls $88.08; SCI publ $80.26; Wages July $14,828.15; Walmart spls $23.45; Waste Connections garbage $5,759.84; Windstream; VFD $205.82; Windstream vill $281.47; Windstream vill internet $288.99; Zito Media Fire Hall Internet $114.65; Petty Cash Reimb $163.62; NE Dept of Revenue 2nd Qtr Keno $548 (KENO). Fire report was given by B. Kasl. Floor has been sealed by DVFD members. Miller added that the electrical is complete and Jindra will be coming to install the outdoor sprinklers. Bontrager gave the code compliance report. He sent six letters out. All future letters need to come through the office and should be sent on letterhead. We are waiting to hear back from a building inspector out of Lincoln. Sheriff’s report given. They have grant money available coming up and will be out more in the evenings. Unfinished business: Discussion held on the future infrastructure projects. MTZ is set to start this week on the streets. Discussion held the garbage collection contract review. Atty. Madsen advised that the language be changed from “Village Administrator” to “Village Clerk” on item #5 of the contract. Motion by Miller, seconded by Lang to approve the contract pending the recommended change. Motion carried. Service will tentatively start around November 1st, pending response from Waste Connections. Letter will be sent certified to Waste Connections this week to terminate our contract. Splash pad hours will remain the same for the next month and closing date will be decided at the September meeting. New business: Bob Sedivy of Argonne gave a presentation on the testing results thus far for Well #4. Additional testing will continue. Consideration of Resolution 2024-04 to authorize signing of the Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance: RESOLUTION SIGNING OF THE MUNICIPAL ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF PROGRAM COMPLIANCE 2024 Resolution No. 2024-04 Whereas: State of Nebraska Statutes, sections 39-2115, 39-2119, 39-2120, 39-2121, and 39-2520(2), requires an annual certification of program compliance to the Nebraska Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards; and Whereas: State of Nebraska Statute, section 39-2120 also requires that the annual certification of program compliance by each municipality shall be signed by the Mayor of Village Board Chairperson and shall include the resolution of the governing body of the municipality authorizing the signing of the certification. Be it resolved that the Mayor Village Board Chairperson of Village of Dorchester is hereby authorized to sign the Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance. Adopted this 12th day of August, 2024 at Dorchester, Nebraska. City Council/Village Board Members Roger Miller, Chairperson Matt Shaw Nancy Tellez Tammie Lang Nate Hitchins City Council/Village Board Member Shaw Moved the adoption of said resolution Member Hitchins Seconded the Motion Roll Call: _5_ Yes _0_ No _0_ Abstained _0_ Absent Resolution adopted, signed and billed as adopted. Attest: Jennifer M. Kasl (Signature of Clerk) Motion by Shaw, seconded by Hitchins to approve the resolution. Motion carried. Consideration and discussion for Signing Certification of Program Compliance to State Board of Public Roads. Motion by Lang, seconded by Shaw to approve the signing of said Certification. Motion carried. Discussion was held on the Keno bank accounts. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Miller to approve Resolution 2024-05 to move $65,000 from the Keno Proceeds account to a 6-month CD with interest remaining in said CD, and to change both the Keno Proceeds and Keno Reserve accounts to interest bearing. Motion carried. Consideration and discussion of Hoffschneider Law engagement letter. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Lang to approve the engagement letter. Motion carried. Consideration of updates to the fee schedule. Motion by Miller, seconded by Hitchins to add a fee of $150 for After 4:00, Weekend and Holiday Connection to the Utilities section. Motion carried. Updated Fee Schedule will be approved by Resolution at the September meeting. Discussion held on the Saline County Aging Services Budget request. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Lang to approve the request of $871.35. Motion carried. Consideration of dates for the fall community clean-up. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Hitchins to allow up to five dumpsters for the week if need be. Motion carried. Clerk Kasl will set up dates with Waste Connections and times with Barbara. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Hitchins to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Next regular meeting will be Monday, September 9, 2024 at 6:30 pm at the Farmers Cooperative Meeting Room. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer M. Kasl, Clerk-Treasurer CR — September 04, 2024 ZNEZ