VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 27, 2024 A Special Meeting of the Village of Dorchester Board of Trustees was held August 27, 2024, and was called to order at 6:53 …


VILLAGE OF DORCHESTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 27, 2024 A Special Meeting of the Village of Dorchester Board of Trustees was held August 27, 2024, and was called to order at 6:53 p.m., following the audit and budget workshops at the Farmers Cooperative meeting room. Chairperson Roger Miller advised those present of the Open Meeting Act. Answering Roll Call were board members Roger Miller, Matt Shaw, Nancy Tellez, Tammie Lang, and Nate Hitchins (All motions carried are unanimous “for” unless otherwise noted). Advance notice of the meeting was posted at the Dorchester US Post Office; First State Bank, NE; and Village Hall. The purpose of the meeting was consideration and discussion of the 2024 Annual League Conference, the revised employee review process, adding cameras to Washington Ave, building damage to village hall, DHS senior class project, and date change for the October meeting. Consideration and discussion of the 2024 Annual League Conference. Tellez will be attending. Employee review information will be included in packets for reviews at the September meeting. Discussion on adding cameras to Washington Ave. Clerk Kasl will get quotes for the September meeting. Discussion on the damage to village hall. Clerk Kasl will get repair quotes for the September meeting. The DHS senior class would like to paint the basketball court at the park for a senior project. Village staff will clean the court and purchase the necessary supplies. Discussion of moving the October meeting to October 7th due to a conflict with volleyball parents’ night at the school on the 14th. Motion by Miller, seconded by Lang to move the meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Hitchins to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m. Next regular meeting is September 9, 2024, at the Farmers Cooperative meeting room immediately following the 7:00 p.m. Budget Hearing and Special Hearing. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer M. Kasl, Clerk-Treasurer CR — September 04, 2024 ZNEZ