SouthLaw, P.C. 13160 Foster, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66213-2660 (913) 663-7600 FILE NO. 247516 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE For default in the payment of debt secured by a deed of trust executed by …


SouthLaw, P.C. 13160 Foster, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66213-2660 (913) 663-7600 FILE NO. 247516 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE For default in the payment of debt secured by a deed of trust executed by Rick L Buchanan, dated August 12, 2022, and recorded on August 18, 2022, Document No. 2022-01436 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Saline County, Nebraska, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on November 26, 2024, at 10:00 AM, at the West Door of the Saline County, Courthouse, Wilber, Nebraska, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash: THE FOREGOING ADMINISTRATIVE SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 1321.0 FEET OF THE WEST 660.0 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 6. T8N, R4E OF THE 6TH P.M, SALINE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, THE BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE NORTH LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 6, HAVING AN ASSUMED REFERENCE BEARING OF N 88° 12' 38' E. BEGINNING AT THE NORTH SIXTEENTH CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE EASTERLY N 88°12' 38' E, ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 6, 301.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY S 01° 05' 42' W, 389.41 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY S 65°56'32" W, 311.02 FEET, TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 6, THENCE NORTHERLY N 01°10'35" W, ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 6, 506.81 FEET, TO THE NORTH SIXTEENTH CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 6, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING A CALCULATED AREA OF 3.015 ACRES MORE OR LESS, WHICH 0.228 ACRES MORE OR LESS ARE RESERVED FOR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY PURPOSES. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, AND RESERVATIONS OF RECORD., commonly known as 1977 County Road A, Milford, NE, 68405 subject to all prior easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants and encumbrances now of record, if any, to satisfy the debt and costs. Liliana E. Shannon, Successor Trustee First Publication: October 9, 2024 NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose (No. 247516). For more information, visit CR — October 09, 16, 23, 30, November 06, 2024 ZNEZ