NOTICE TO IRRIGATORS Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 39-302 states that a sprinkler irrigation system, which, due to location or design, diverts, or is capable of diverting, water onto or across a …


NOTICE TO IRRIGATORS Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 39-302 states that a sprinkler irrigation system, which, due to location or design, diverts, or is capable of diverting, water onto or across a public road so as to saturate, wash, or impair the maintenance, construction, or passibility of such public road or allows water to accumulate on the roadway or traveled surface of the public road, shall be equipped with a device which will automatically shut off the end gun of the irrigation system causing such diversion or accumulation of water. Any person who fails to comply with this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a Class IV Misdemeanor, in accordance with Nebraska law. The crop irrigation season is upon us in Saline County, Nebraska. Please check your irrigation system's equipment to make sure that there is not a violation. THE SALINE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CR/FS/WR — July 10, 17, 24, 31, 2024 ZNEZ