NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ORDER OF SALE COUNTY OF SALINE, STATE OF NEBRASKA, Plaintiff, Vs. JOYCE MILLER & BETTY MATHIS,ET.AL, Defendants. Case Number CI 24-30 Notice is hereby given that by virtue …


NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ORDER OF SALE COUNTY OF SALINE, STATE OF NEBRASKA, Plaintiff, Vs. JOYCE MILLER & BETTY MATHIS,ET.AL, Defendants. Case Number CI 24-30 Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale, issued by the District Court of Saline County, Nebraska, upon the Decree of said Court in Case No. CI 24-30, wherein the County of Saline, In The State of Nebraska is Plaintiff, and JOYCE MILLER & BETTY MATHIS,ET.AL., are Defendants; in which Plaintiff recovered a Decree of Foreclosure upon the parcels of real estate described hereinbelow for delinquent taxes, interest, and costs. I will at 2:00 p.m., on the 3rd day of October 2024, at the West front door of the Courthouse, in the City of Wilber, Saline County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: (LEGAL DESCRIPTION): Lot Eight (8) and Nine (9), Block Two (2), Original Town of Western, Saline County NE 68464 Address: 100 East Short Street, Western, NE 68464 Terms of sale are payment in full, in cash, on the day of sale. The sale shall remain open a minimum of one-half hour. Alan J. Moore Sheriff Saline County, Nebraska Published September 4,11,18,25, October 2 CR — September 04, 11, 18, 25, October 02, 2024 ZNEZ