NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that J MARC ENTERPRISES, L.L.C., a Nebraska limited liability company, is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office …


NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that J MARC ENTERPRISES, L.L.C., a Nebraska limited liability company, is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office at 7343 SW Hunters Pl., Denton, Nebraska 68339. The general nature of its business is to engage in and to do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business, other than banking or insurance, for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of Nebraska; and for all other purposes authorized by law, to the same extent as natural persons might or could do. The limited liability company was formed on April 15, 2024, and its existence shall be perpetual, except as may otherwise be provided in the Operating Agreement duly adopted by the Company. The affairs of the Company are to be conducted by its members until such time as their successor or successors are selected pursuant to the Operating Agreement. The name and address of the initial agent is John Wattjes, 7343 SW Hunters Pl., Denton, Nebraska 68339. Morgan L. Smith Attorney for Members 2517 13th St. Columbus, NE 68601 CR — May 01, 08, 15, 2024 ZNEZ