NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX INCREASES Public notice is hereby given, in compliance with the provisions of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-1633, that a representative of the …


NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX INCREASES Public notice is hereby given, in compliance with the provisions of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-1633, that a representative of the following political subdivision will meet on the 18th day of September, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Saline County Courthouse, 1st floor Assembly Room, 204 S. High Street, Wilber, Nebraska for the purpose of conducting a joint public hearing to obtain public input on property tax increases proposed by the subdivisions: City of Friend, 402-947-2711, property tax requested: $654,128.00. Said meeting is open to the public. There is no item on the agenda for this joint public meeting other than discussion of each political subdivision’s intent to increase its property tax request by a percentage greater than the “allowable growth percentage” defined in § 77-1633. The political subdivisions shall make their presentations in the order listed above. Diann Nettifee Saline County Clerk CR/FS/WR — September 11, 18, 2024 ZNEZ